Sponsored Q&A: Kesikli Law Firm

Sponsored Q&A: Kesikli Law Firm

1. Can you describe your journey into specialising as an energy lawyer in Turkey? What attracted you to the energy sector, and how have your interests and career evolved in response to Turkey’s energy landscape?

My specialisation as an energy lawyer in Turkey began while working as an in-house counsel for companies involved in energy project development and investment activities within the sector. This role immersed me in the complexities of the Turkish energy landscape and the realities of investing in energy businesses across different jurisdictions. This coincided with a burgeoning market in Turkey, providing me with a unique opportunity to witness and contribute to the sector’s rapid evolution, navigating through the nascent and evolving energy market laws of Turkey.

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Sponsored briefing: A guide to NFT and metaverse-related trade marks

Sponsored briefing: A guide to NFT and metaverse-related trade marks

Over the past year, each of us started to become more familiar with the terms such as non-fungible tokens (NFT), blockchain, digital assets or metaverse and it is obvious that we will be using these terms even more. Despite the growing popularity of the matter, there are either no or limited regulations available on the same while the virtual world will be a host of numerous legal issues.

Although it is interpreted as possible to obtain legal protections in other legal remedies, considering the advantages of trade mark registration, it is advisable to file a trade mark application which will also be able to provide protection in the metaverse based on Article 7 of the Turkish Industrial Property Code (IPC), which prescribes as follows: ‘Trade mark protection provided by this Code shall be acquired by registration.’ Continue reading “Sponsored briefing: A guide to NFT and metaverse-related trade marks”

Sponsored briefing: Enforcement law in Türkiye: Discovering the elusive world of debt collection

Sponsored briefing: Enforcement law in Türkiye: Discovering the elusive world of debt collection

Though often perceived as neither a glamorous nor exciting field, enforcement law has been and will continue to be the somber reality all legists eventually face. Whether you’re an independent attorney successfully negotiating a favourable deal in mediation proceedings or filing a claim for compensation as an international firm representing a multinational conglomerate, sooner or later, all paths lead to enforcement, because: What happens when they refuse to pay?

Developing a firm grasp on enforcement proceedings and debt collection allows for the uncertainty of financial gain to dissipate, ensuring tangible results for both attorneys and clients. Continue reading “Sponsored briefing: Enforcement law in Türkiye: Discovering the elusive world of debt collection”

Sponsored briefing: Interview with Mustafa Yelligedik, legal affairs president at AG Anadolu Grubu Holding

Sponsored briefing: Interview with Mustafa Yelligedik,  legal affairs president at AG Anadolu Grubu Holding

AG Anadolu Grubu Holding AŞ (Anadolu Group) has more than 80,000 employees working in approximately 80 group companies operating in 19 countries across a variety of sectors (eg, beer, soft drink, retail, agriculture, automotive, energy, fast food and stationery). These include Anadolu Efes, the fifth-largest brewery in Europe and 11th in the world, and Migros, one of Türkiye’s largest supermarket chains, as well as Coca-Cola’s Turkish operations.

What was it that made you want to become a lawyer? Continue reading “Sponsored briefing: Interview with Mustafa Yelligedik, legal affairs president at AG Anadolu Grubu Holding”

Sponsor message: A new age begins for Moral as Moral | Kınıkoğlu | Pamukkale | Kökenek

Sponsor message: A new age begins for Moral as Moral | Kınıkoğlu | Pamukkale | Kökenek

We are thrilled to announce that our firm will officially be transforming from Moral & Partners to Moral | Kınıkoğlu | Pamukkale | Kökenek, an attorney partnership, as of July 1, 2022. Founded in 1968, Moral has undergone a remarkable transformation since 2013 and has grown into one of the preeminent law firms in Turkey. With the efforts of 70 + professionals, Moral now streering the legal market in Turkey. This could not have been achieved without the confidence of our esteemed clients in us and our dedicated team – thank you all.

A new age begins. We will now be providing legal services as Moral | Kınıkoğlu | Pamukkale | Kökenek Attorney Partnership. Building on our legacy since 1968, we will carry the firm into the future using our well-established, highest quality services combined with a proven, new generation approach. We will do our best to ensure a sustainable future for our team and clients. Continue reading “Sponsor message: A new age begins for Moral as Moral | Kınıkoğlu | Pamukkale | Kökenek”

Turkey focus: Chronology of a crisis

Turkey focus: Chronology of a crisis

Turkey is still defined as an emerging market economy; over the last 20 years, it established itself increasingly among the top-25 global markets, but could not maintain this upward trend in recent times. Recently, it has had to face a currency crisis due to the Turkish lira decreasing dramatically in value. At the same time, inflation levels are skyrocketing, which is especially reflected in high prices for food and drink. Adding a global pandemic to the mix is certainly another spanner in the works, but according to Osman Ertürk Özel, managing partner at ÖZEL Attorney Consultancy: ‘The economic recession in Turkey existed a year before the beginning of Covid. It just made this situation obvious. Serious fluctuations in currency along with over 100% inflation rate have deepened the existing economic crisis. This has caused a disruption in all kinds of production in the markets. The fact that banks kept up the markets through loans has greatly disrupted the balance.’

To blame for this development, at least in part, is Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. His name has dominated the Turkish political scene for a long time. In 2001, his party AKP (Justice and Development Party) was created, and it quickly rose to power. Even though Turkey’s constitution established the country to be a secular state, AKP is traditionally favoured by religious conservatives and is in western media often referred to as a (mildly or reformed) Islamist party. At the same time, the party pursued a pro-liberal market economy and is keen to join the European Union. It seemed to be the recipe for victory: only a year after its formation, it had a sweeping success in the 2002 election, gaining an outright majority in parliament. After having a moderate stronghold over the political landscape for several elections, Erdoğan finally became president in 2014. However, only five years later, local elections marked the beginning of the end for the current leader. He and his party lost significant footing in major Turkish cities due to accusations of mismanagement of the Turkish economic crisis, its shortcomings during the Syrian refugee crisis as well as rising authoritarianism. After year-long rule, AKP also lost all support with Turkey’s largest ethnic majority, the Kurds. Officially, 2023 is a year for new elections and opposition parties are gearing up for it, but Erdoğan is doing everything he can to hold on to power. Continue reading “Turkey focus: Chronology of a crisis”

Sponsored briefing: The Invasion of Ukraine is Catastrophic for the Russian Economy. Now What?

Sponsored briefing: The Invasion of Ukraine is Catastrophic for the Russian Economy. Now What?

Has Russia violated its promises to Turkish Investors under the Turkey-Russia Bilateral Investment Treaty?

When the Russian Federation unleashed its deadly invasion of Ukraine, it was fully aware unprecedentedly severe sanctions would be imposed. As a direct result of these completely foreseeable sanctions, and other knock-on effects of the invasion, Turkish and other foreign investors in Russia will have seen the value of their investments take a serious hit, with further hits certain to come1. Continue reading “Sponsored briefing: The Invasion of Ukraine is Catastrophic for the Russian Economy. Now What?”