‘Clients are not only seeking legal expertise but also looking for firms that practice what they preach’ – ESG Q&A: Herbert Smith Freehills

‘Clients are not only seeking legal expertise but also looking for firms that practice what they preach’ – ESG Q&A: Herbert Smith Freehills

Could you share some examples of innovative ways Herbert Smith Freehills is working with clients in the ESG space? Silke Goldberg: At Herbert Smith Freehills, we are actively engaging with our clients in the ESG space through innovative tools like our Global ESG Tracker and ESRS Navigator.

ESG: Evolution or revolution?

ESG: Evolution or revolution?

Jonathan Bower, partner, planning and infrastructure team leader and partner lead for net zero by 2030 strategy at Womble Bond Dickinson, sets out the case for a clear ESG vision with a focus on inspiring behavioural change Historical events have often led to transformative changes. The Industrial Revolution was one such moment and, today, we’re …

The state of UK general counsel in 2024: Key insights and challenges

The state of UK general counsel in 2024: Key insights and challenges

The legal landscape for general counsel (GCs) in the United Kingdom is undergoing significant challenges and transformations in 2024. A comprehensive survey conducted by Wakefield Research and commissioned by Axiom provides crucial insights into the current state of in-house legal departments, shedding light on budget constraints, talent management issues, and the quest for innovative solutions.

Conformity assessments under the EU AI Act: Ensuring compliance, safety, and trust in artificial intelligence

Conformity assessments under the EU AI Act: Ensuring compliance, safety, and trust in artificial intelligence

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has ushered in an era of unprecedented technological advancements, transforming various sectors by enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and decision-making capabilities. However, the proliferation of AI technologies also brings forth significant challenges, particularly concerning safety, fairness, transparency, and accountability. In response to these challenges, the European Union (EU) has proposed and …

‘An ever-growing region of high importance’: doing business in Iran

‘An ever-growing region of high importance’: doing business in Iran

Iran is a strategic country located in the Middle East, possessing abundant natural resources such as oil, gas, gold, and other mines and minerals. In addition, Iran enjoys the benefits of having access to the Caspian Sea in the north, and to the Persian Gulf and free waters of Oman in the south. Moreover, Iran …

The growing importance of ESG data in the legal sector

The growing importance of ESG data in the legal sector

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) has evolved at a rapid pace in recent years. We’ve seen a meteoric rise in stakeholder engagement and interest well beyond the investment community where the concept initially started to gain mainstream attention. This really accelerated in 2020 around the Covid pandemic when the importance of pressing global issues like …

Lebanon’s struggle for stability amid economic and geopolitical challenges

Lebanon’s struggle for stability amid economic and geopolitical challenges

Lebanon finds itself trapped in a profound political, economic, financial, and social crisis, the effects of which have echoed across its public services and societal fabric for half a decade. This multifaceted crisis has created a stark escalation in poverty levels, marking a troubling descent in the standard of living for almost half the population. …

Q&A: Sarah Thompson, Arthur Cox

Q&A: Sarah Thompson, Arthur Cox

What is the current state of Irish legislation on ESG? Environmental, social and governance considerations have always been important to our clients but in recent years conversations about ESG matters have risen to the top of many organisations’ agendas, especially following the pandemic. At Arthur Cox, we have seen demand for ESG-related advice increase over …

Understanding the EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence: A comprehensive guide

Understanding the EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence: A comprehensive guide

The European Union has taken a significant step towards promoting sustainable and responsible business practices with the adoption of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). Approved on 24 April 2024, this directive mandates large companies operating within the EU to integrate human rights and environmental due diligence into their operations and value chains. This …