‘You don’t get a choice about whether you’re a role model’ – shifting the LGBTQ+ dial in law

‘You don’t get a choice about whether you’re a role model’ –  shifting the LGBTQ+ dial in law

Gatehouse Chambers property and probate silk Brie Stevens-Hoare KC on coming out, fitting in and how the profession needs to continue to push back against toxic narratives

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Alphas revisited: Women deal stars five years on

Alphas revisited: Women deal stars five years on

‘There is still fundamentally an issue with how women are perceived in the legal market and how well they can traverse the seniority ranks. It says a lot more about our profession than it does about women.’ So argues Tamara Box, Reed Smith’s former Europe and Middle East managing partner and now head of structured finance.

The outlook now, while not exactly bleak, is not as bullish as it should be. Continue reading “Alphas revisited: Women deal stars five years on”

Alphas revisited: Private equity stars

Alphas revisited: Private equity stars

Victoria Sigeti, Freshfields

Legal Business first named Freshfields’ Victoria Sigeti a rising star in 2016 while only a year into partnership. Judging by the sheer volume of plaudits she receives for her work in the most competitive product line in City law, she has now well and truly, well… risen. Continue reading “Alphas revisited: Private equity stars”

Alphas revisited: M&A stars

Alphas revisited: M&A stars

Caroline Rae, Herbert Smith Freehills

Herbert Smith Freehills’ Caroline Rae is something of a torchbearer for female success in M&A. Last year, she led the £7.8bn acquisition of Western Power Distribution for National Grid. ‘Take your most exciting M&A deal and times it by ten,’ she says of the transaction. Continue reading “Alphas revisited: M&A stars”

Alphas revisited: Finance stars

Alphas revisited: Finance stars

Sinead O’Shea, Simpson Thacher

Showcasing a striking client list that includes the likes of KKR, Viridian, JPMorgan, First Reserve, Silver Lake, BlackRock and Blackstone, Simpson Thacher’s Sinead O’Shea is at the top of her game. Having qualified in Ireland, O’Shea has worked in the firm’s New York and Hong Kong offices. ‘Moving to Hong Kong was a huge challenge as I went there right after becoming a partner and having my second child,’ she admits. ‘I knew nothing whatsoever about the Asian market and the cultural setup there.’ Continue reading “Alphas revisited: Finance stars”

Alphas revisited: Mid-tier stars

Alphas revisited: Mid-tier stars

Karen Hendy, RPC

While horror stories have become increasingly rare in recent years, RPC’s head of corporate Karen Hendy recounts an awkward story from early in her career when she was the only woman present in a meeting room. ‘One of the partners looked at me and asked me where my corporate partner was. The room went silent.’ Continue reading “Alphas revisited: Mid-tier stars”

Women deal stars prove you can have it all – but don’t worry men, you are Kenough

Women deal stars prove you can have it all – but don’t worry men, you are Kenough

Chatting with a male managing partner recently about – what else – the hire of Kirkland’s debt superstar Neel Sachdev into Paul Weiss in London, talk eventually turned to the Barbie movie (obviously).

With the managing partner intending to see the film soon, I ask him to report back on whether he thinks its messaging is as anti-male as many critics have suggested. His reaction? ‘Isn’t it about time something was not all about how great men are, for a change?’ This is an interesting point, and segues us nicely into our cover feature this issue on the City’s standout women dealmakers, five years on from our influential ‘Alphas’ analysis. Continue reading “Women deal stars prove you can have it all – but don’t worry men, you are Kenough”

The Last Word: Gender agenda

The Last Word: Gender agenda

‘Firms have to be flexible and acknowledge they may have fantastic senior associates who want to put their partnership ambitions on hold for a few years while they have a family.’ Isabella Roberts, Simmons & Simmons

Following on from our Alphas 2.0 feature, we ask female deal stars to talk about the challenges they have faced and still plague the industry today

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Sponsored briefing: The influence of diversity in M&A

Sponsored briefing: The influence of diversity in M&A

Emma Danks, partner and co-head of Taylor Wessing’s international corporate group shares her experience on how the M&A industry has evolved, the greater awareness of diversity and inclusion in private equity and the rising profile of female founders in the venture capital world

The three areas of M&A, private equity and venture capital are typically perceived as being among the toughest working cultures and one of the most competitive industries in the business world. With the client base being historically predominantly male, there was a perception that it was more difficult for new talent, and more diverse talent, to break through. Continue reading “Sponsored briefing: The influence of diversity in M&A”