Legal technology sponsored briefing: The Network Effect – How the AI-powered legal profession is gathering pace

Legal technology sponsored briefing: The Network Effect – How the AI-powered legal profession is gathering pace

Luminance’s Emily Foges on the advance of legal tech

In 2019, relationships between different legal service providers are a driving force for the adoption of legal technology. Following the emergence of true artificial intelligence (AI) within the market, the rate of adoption is gathering speed in firms and organisations as technology has increasingly become a competitive necessity. True AI harnesses the latest advances in machine learning solutions to empower lawyers to return to the first principles of law; fulfilling the time-honoured role of trusted adviser. This ground-breaking technology also serves to eliminate some of the historic barriers to adoption. Flexible, ‘learning’ algorithms are able to adapt to any document set and law firm, regardless of language, jurisdiction or specialism. This delivers value from day one, eliminating the need for resource and time-sapping configuration periods needed by extraction and rules-based systems. The real difference this time is that lawyers no longer need to adapt their professional processes to accommodate new solutions. Continue reading “Legal technology sponsored briefing: The Network Effect – How the AI-powered legal profession is gathering pace”