‘So big it never stops’ – why Brazil’s legal market is still booming despite political instability and economic uncertainty

‘So big it never stops’ – why Brazil’s legal market is still booming despite political instability and economic uncertainty

They say that Brazil comes to a halt on three occasions: Carnival, the World Cup and elections. It is no surprise therefore that the combined weight of these events in 2022 made for an unusual start to the year that followed.

A fraught election in October 2022 saw Workers’ Party leader Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva return to the presidency 13 years after he left office, ousting former president Jair Bolsonaro. Decided by the narrowest margin in decades, Lula’s inauguration was marred by an attempted insurrection when a sea of yellow and green-clad bolsonaristas stormed federal government buildings in Brasília.

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The Brazilian legal market

The Brazilian legal market

In Brazil, in October 2023, according to data from the National Council of Justice, there were 84 million cases pending in the country’s courts. The Brazilian judiciary, for example, adjudicates, on average, four times more cases than similar institutions in European countries. Brazil has the highest number of lawyers per capita in the world. In 2022, according to a survey conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), it was found that there is an average of one lawyer in Brazil for every 164 inhabitants. These data underscore the relevance and importance of carefully selecting the law firm that best serves the client’s interests, especially in contentious cases.

The Perdiz de Jesus Law Firm, established in 1995, stands out because of its commitment to excellence and dedication to its clients. It provides personalised client service and direct partner involvement. Ethics, dedication, and excellence are the core foundational principles on which it has built its reputation for its nimble advocacy. Perdiz de Jesus Attorneys focus is on meeting their clients’ needs and guiding them towards optimal resolutions to their legal issues. Continue reading “The Brazilian legal market”

Sponsored Q&A: Tortoro, Madureira & Ragazzi

Sponsored Q&A: Tortoro, Madureira & Ragazzi

1. What are the key labour laws and regulations that govern the employer-employee relationship in Brazil?

In addition to the Federal Constitution, which provides an exemplary list of social rights in article 7, the main and most important regulation governing the employment relationship is the Consolidation of Labour Laws (CLT). In such law it is possible to find the consolidation of all the norms that regulate the relationship between capital and work. Continue reading “Sponsored Q&A: Tortoro, Madureira & Ragazzi”