Pillar to post

Pillar to post

After an extended and often troubled development, the OECD’s new ‘global minimum tax’ is at last coming to fruition. With adoptees including South Korea and Japan, and the Council of the European Union in addition to the UK government announcing plans to follow suit by the end of 2023, the prospect of Pillar Two, long seen as distant and perhaps uncertain, is now ever more tangible. Continue reading “Pillar to post”

Tax perspectives: Dan Neidle

Tax perspectives: Dan Neidle

Why did you decide to become a lawyer and – why tax?

I studied physics at university because I thought I was brilliant at maths. Then I hit the wall of my maths ability about two weeks into the degree so I decided I wanted to be a crusading criminal barrister. I then made the mistake of doing a mini-pupillage and, seeing how the criminal law impacts people’s lives, decided it wasn’t for me. Complete respect to people who can do that, but I can’t. Continue reading “Tax perspectives: Dan Neidle”