Euro Elite 2023: Benelux – Hitting the buffers

Euro Elite 2023: Benelux – Hitting the buffers

In last year’s overview, we predicted full steam ahead for the Benelux market – a reflection of the buoyant sentiments swirling in the region as Europe emerged from the Covid-19 pandemic. But the road turned out to be rockier than expected as the outbreak of the largest land war in Europe combined with the after-effects …

Euro Elite 2023: France – Pretty good year

Euro Elite 2023: France – Pretty good year

Activity levels bounced back in France in 2021 after the initial impact of the pandemic and this recovery continued apace in 2022. ‘2022 was the best year,’ says Henri Savoie, who heads the public law and regulatory practice at Darrois Villey Maillot Brochier. ‘2023 will be more normal,’ he warns, pointing out that ‘companies will …