Legal profession lacks diversity in partnership despite changing demographic of profession

Legal profession lacks diversity in partnership despite changing demographic of profession

The number of female practice certificate (PC) holders increased yet again by 3% to 67,393 from 65,147 as at July 2016, yet number of female partners remained relatively stagnant increasing only by seven to 8,105, according to the latest Annual Statistics Report from the Law Society, a trend echoing last year’s report. 

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Comment: Fieldfisher’s Chissick on why real change on diversity needs leadership in law

‘Did you see the game at the weekend?’ is the type of question I am often asked at events. I know my answer, ‘no, I don’t really follow sport’ – will kill the conversation dead, and I don’t have the skills or required knowledge to blag my way through the small talk of the weekend’s fixture list.

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Myths and Millennials – the facts, fiction and hard realities of leading junior lawyers

Law firms are increasingly obsessed with the challenge of engaging their Millennial associates. Legal Business separates buzzword from BS

Just what is it that you want to do?

We wanna be free.

We wanna be free to do what we wanna do.



It was a very different legal market in 2007 when Simon Harper and a group of colleagues at Berwin Leighton Paisner geared up for the launch of Lawyers On Demand (LOD). Amid boom time for legal services, few knew what to make of a flexi-lawyering business. Working on initial marketing, the idea was hit upon to draw on the famous freedom refrain from Primal Scream’s 1990 song Loaded (actually a sample from the cult film The Wild Angels). The intent was to reach a new generation of lawyers: a generation that in law and in other industries would increasingly be known as Millennials. The impact was immediate, recalls Harper. ‘What made LOD fly was the changing attitudes to work. Some of the CVs we got were amazing.’

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Barclays to offer 80 work experience places as high street bank mulls apprenticeship scheme

Barclays’ in-house legal team is to offer around 80 work experience placements to students from socio-economic groups under-represented in the legal profession in partnership with its panel law firms this summer. Continue reading “Barclays to offer 80 work experience places as high street bank mulls apprenticeship scheme”