Legal Business

The Electronic Transactions and Data Protection Law in Lebanon: Empowering Lebanese companies in the digital age

In an era marked by rapid advancements in technology and an ever-expanding digital landscape, the significance of robust legal frameworks governing electronic transactions and data protection cannot be overstated. For Lebanese companies, the enactment of the Lebanese Law No. 81 of 2018 related to electronic transactions and personal data (Law No. 81/2018 or ‘Law’) represents a pivotal moment in their journey towards adapting to the demands and opportunities of the digital age. This legislation not only addresses the critical need for legal clarity in electronic transactions but also establishes essential safeguards for data protection in an environment characterised by evolving cyber security threats and heightened concerns about privacy.

Lebanon, like many nations worldwide, has been experiencing a digital transformation that has reshaped the way businesses operate, communicate, and engage with their customers. E-commerce, online banking, and digital marketing have become integral components of the Lebanese business landscape, offering companies new avenues for growth and innovation. However, the absence of comprehensive electronic transactions regulations had left many enterprises navigating this digital terrain without clear guidelines, resulting in uncertainty and potential legal risks.