Sponsored Q&A: Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas

Sponsored Q&A: Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas

1. How does estate planning differ in India compared to other countries, especially in light of unique family structures and property laws?

Indian inheritance related laws are diverse and vary on a number of factors, such as the nature of the assets (movable or immovable), their location, and the personal law of an individual, which in turn is largely based on their religion. For instance, probate of a will is required only for individuals following a particular religion and if the immovable property is situated in a presidency town in India. Hindu succession law is also vastly different from Muslim or Christian succession law. Continue reading “Sponsored Q&A: Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas”

Breaking down silos: family law in the UK in 2024 and beyond

Breaking down silos: family law in the UK in 2024 and beyond

As familial relationships become increasingly complex, the law governing these relationships does too. With the idea of the family unit extending to include unmarried, cohabiting couples and nontraditional routes to parenthood, the law surrounding and protecting all families is shifting to reflect this.

Unmarried couples were declared the fastest growing family type in the UK in 2019, with the Office for National Statistics reporting a 25.8% increase in cohabiting couples from 2008 to 2018. Despite this, and despite the fact that other countries such as New Zealand and Australia have provisions for so-called ‘de-facto’ relationships, there are currently no protections for couples in this position in the UK.
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Lead partner: 2024 will be a year of change in the UK. The question is, how much?

Lead partner: 2024 will be a year of change in the UK. The question is, how much?

Do you have a crystal ball? If you do, then perhaps you can share the outcome of the UK election in 2024. Which election pledges are going to have most impact on private wealth professionals and their clients? Or perhaps you’re reading this in May or November, know who has won and are busy planning around any changes.

At the time of going to press, when it comes to wealth and taxation, there are known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns, to paraphrase former US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
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Planning for the unpredictable: navigating the private wealth market amid political uncertainty

Planning for the unpredictable: navigating the private wealth market amid political uncertainty

Vying political parties and a constantly fluctuating international climate are driving firms to further develop their private wealth practices in the UK in a bid to capture work from the lucrative sector.

Most recently, Addleshaw Goddard launched a private wealth finance offering in London with the addition of partner Laura Uberoi from Macfarlanes to service private bank, family office and high net worth clients around the world. The hire comes as firms including Maurice Turnor Gardner, Hunters Law, Mishcon de Reya and Stephenson Harwood are also recruiting for their burgeoning practices.
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Sponsored thought leadership: Benefits of the Austrian Private Foundation

Sponsored thought leadership: Benefits of the Austrian Private Foundation

The Austrian Private Foundation (PF) is a viable option to protect and preserve assets over generations, as well as to prevent the distribution of assets in the event of succession.

Establishing an Austrian PF enables the founder to align his/her assets with the founder’s wishes but separating the assets from the founder’s future fate. Due to the relative freedom of organisation under the Austrian Private Foundation Act (APFA), the Austrian PF and its structure can be adapted to the individual needs of the founder.

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