Global 100: a little bit of life before Lehman returns. But only a little

For all the improving signs, glancing at our annual Global 100 report shows headline performance largely comparable with 2013. The group increased billings by 4% to $88.63bn, a rise of 4% and the same growth rate achieved in 2013. As with last year, the result was flattered by several large mergers – but top 100 …

Marking your own homework: Dentons and a defence of PEP

Alex Novarese takes a jaded view of the latest attempt to avoid transparency It would almost be too easy to pick holes in the letter that Dentons has supplied to the media to justify its attempt to withhold its profits on the basis of Olympian high principle. But I won’t let that stop me. The …

Cameronics redux: a hard-to-grasp institution that looks set to surprise

Given that I get paid to poke around law firms’ inner workings, it’s not that often that I find it hard to get my head around a law firm but CMS Cameron McKenna in its 2014 form is one such creature. The clichéd view of the firm is of a slow-moving practice struggling with a …

Partner recruitment: buyer beware

If the oxymoronic notion of partner recruitment didn’t exist who would invent it? On one level, of course, its emergence in the legal profession was inevitable given wider changes in careers and attitudes to work. Without some form of partner mobility law firms would become inflexibly segmented and partners effectively bound to a single employer. …

Heading to The Ivy: Legal Business and RPC team up for GC Power List Summer Reception

We’ve made it no secret that a major aim for Legal Business and its Legalease stablemates is to better engage with the general counsel (GC) community. As such, we’re taking another step in that direction with the launch of an exclusive debate and networking event in June, building on the success of our acclaimed Power …