Legal Business

Sponsored chambers briefing: Kings Chambers – a set apart from the rest

Our philosophy is to provide practical and commercial advice, applying the highest professional standards. Our members combine advisory work with litigation and advocacy services. While we commonly appear in the High Court and the higher appellate courts, our commitment to service standards is such that all members retain a uniform approach to the pursuit of excellence irrespective of forum and the financial worth of a case. It is on this uncompromising approach, and what our market regards as our client-friendly ethos, that our reputation is built and maintained.

We are regularly involved in arbitration and mediation and, if a matter is fought in the courts, our members are characterised by a reputation for strong and incisive advocacy backed by firm negotiating skills.

Our clients are individual and corporate, national and multinational, plc and private. We have a strong and wide national base of clients across the whole spectrum of industries, including banks (including clearing and secondary), developers, retailers, manufacturers, services, professional bodies, government agencies and local authorities. Members now regularly represent many emerging companies in the newer information technology, e-commerce and leisure markets.We accept instructions from all those permitted under the rules of the Bar Council. We welcome instructions from overseas lawyers and through the Licensed Access Rules.

Areas of expertise

‘Kings Chambers is proud of providing first-class representation to our clients and our members’ expertise matches any set in the country, which makes us a ‘go-to’ chambers for many leading national and international law firms, public sector and private sector organisations and individuals.’

For more information, please contact:

T: 0345 034 3444

36 Young Street,
Manchester M3 3FT
DX: 718188 MCH 3
T: 0161 832 9082

5 Park Square
Leeds LS1 2NE
T: 0113 242 1123

Embassy House, 60 Church Street
Birmingham B3 2DJ
Direct Dial: 0121 200 3570