Legal Business

Welcome to the GC Powerlist reception!

A warm congratulations to all of the nominees at the Legal Business Awards and especially to those of you who have made the GC Powerlist. We’re delighted to sponsor such a prestigious awards ceremony as well as celebrate top UK GCs.

The increased recognition and attention the in-house community has received over the past few years has been a joy to witness and is much deserved. Axiom has long believed that the future of law lies with those who lead teams and use legal services every day. Axiom exists to enable in-house teams to become as efficient and effective as possible, and to empower lawyers to meaningfully develop their careers by working with top in-house clients – including a large number of those in the Powerlist. Whether through the secondment of top-quality legal talent, better mass contract management to respond to regulatory change or undertake corporate transactions, or any of the ways in which we strive to support in-house counsel, we’ve always searched for the best, most innovative ways to deploy legal services.

Finally, we’d like to thank Legal Business for nominating us for Legal Innovator of the Year. We’re honoured to be listed alongside fellow legal innovators. Axiom set out to create a new category of alternative legal services through the unique ways in which we partner with in-house counsel, and we’re thrilled that the in-house community embraced the change and enabled the growth of that category into the many variations that exist today. Axiom is a category creator and the in-house community enabled this category.

For that, we are thankful – and we’re excited to see where we can continue to innovate together to bring meaningful progression to the legal industry.

Long may it continue.

Sara Morgan

Tel: 020 7324 5300